County Council is the legislative branch of New Castle County government. The County Council President presides over meetings of New Castle County Council and has the same rights and duties including the right to vote and speak therein as other council members. The New Castle County President is elected by the public to a four-year term in the “on-years” when the Delaware governor and U.S. President are up for election. He or she must be a citizen of the United States, a resident of New Castle County for at least one year, and over 24 years of age when elected.
Salary: $60,738/year
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Party: Democrat
Campaign Phone: (302) 363-3681
YouTube Channel:
Neighborhood/area of residence: Middletown
Work Experience: 11 Years of Exceptional Managerial Experience in operations and event planning. Highly skilled individual who has excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Flourishes in a team atmosphere with an ability to lead, delegate, direct, and multi-task. Excellent at bridging the gap between various departments by communicating established corporate goals and objectives. A proven facilitator who builds character while increasing academic performance. Committed to the process of goal setting, with a desire to achieve results that benefit the organization. Excellent at motivating and challenging young adults to perform at peak levels. Skills & Expertise Workshop & Seminar Presentations Policies & Procedures Program Management Youth De.
Campaign Website:
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Education: University of Delaware & Rowan University
Campaign Email:
Community Involvement: A Helping Hand, Living outside the Walls, & Dream Leadership Institute. Heavens’ Gate, Sickle Cell Foundation, MOT Senior Center,
Q: What are your qualifications for office, and (if challenged) what differentiates you from the other candidate(s)?
A: With a lifetime of leadership and community service, I bring a unique blend of empathy and experience to the role of New Castle County Council President. As the founder of ‘A Helping Hand’ nonprofit and ‘Living Outside of the Walls’ initiative, I have a proven track record of addressing community needs through innovative programs that provide critical support to underserved populations. My extensive work in empowering young adults through the Dream Leadership Institute demonstrates my commitment to fostering future leaders and providing them with essential life skills and entrepreneurial knowledge. In addition to my community outreach efforts, I have actively engaged with various local organizations to improve our parks and recreation.
Q: What do you see as the most urgent issues in your County at this time?
A: *Sustainable Land Use and Development: As NCC continues to grow, managing land use and development is vital. *Parks and Recreation: Our parks and recreational facilities are essential for promoting community well-being and providing residents with outdoor activities and social engagement opportunities. *Library Services: Libraries play a vital role in education, information access, and community building. *Infrastructure Needs: Addressing infrastructure needs, such as upgrading and maintaining our sewer systems, is essential for the health and safety of our residents. *Public Safety: Ensuring our county police have the necessary resources and training to keep our communities safe is paramount.
Q: Do you think any strategic changes are needed in the county’s approach to growth & development, land use or transportation planning for the coming decade? (Yes or No). Please explain.
A: To ensure NCC develops sustainably and equitably over the next decade, we need a multifaceted approach that balances growth with preserving our community’s character and natural resources. 1. Sustainable Development Practices: Implementing sustainable development practices 2. Balance Growth: We must ensure that growth does not come at the expense of our environment or quality of life. 3. Public Transit Enhancement: Enhancing public transit options is vital. 4. Land Use Planning: A comprehensive land use plan is essential. 5. Infrastructure Investment: Investing in modern infrastructure is necessary to support sustainable growth. 6. Community Engagement: connecting with residents, businesses, and other stakeholders.
Q: How will you ensure that your county has land use measures that allow for the development of affordable housing?
A: I will ensure that NCC adopts comprehensive land use measures to facilitate the development of affordable housing through several strategic initiatives. 1. Zoning Reforms: Advocate for zoning reforms that support higher-density developments and mixed-use zoning. 2. Inclusionary Housing Policies: 3. Collaboration with Non-Profits and Private Developers 4. Utilizing Public Land 5. Financial Incentives and Support 6. Streamlining the Approval Process 7. Community Land Trusts 8. Preservation of Existing Affordable Housing
Q: How will you engage with residents, especially minorities, to ensure their voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes?
A: Engaging with residents, especially minority communities, to ensure their voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes is crucial for creating an inclusive and representative local government. To achieve this, I will implement several strategies designed to foster open communication, build trust, and encourage active participation from all segments of our community. 1. Regular Town Hall Meetings 2. Diverse Advisory Council 3. Utilizing Social Media 4. Community Outreach Programs 5. Multilingual Communication 6. Inclusive Public Hearings and Workshops 7. Collaborative Decision-Making 8. Feedback Mechanisms 9. Transparency and Accountability 10. Empowerment Through Education
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Party: Republican
Campaign Phone: (302) 444-6948
Neighborhood/area of residence: Pike Creek, DE
Work Experience: Office Administrator at the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, Insurance/Financial Services Industry (10 years), numerous leadership roles, international work experience,
Additional Information: Fluent in Spanish
Campaign Website:
Campaign Facebook Page:
Education: Bachelor degree in Entomology with a Concentration in Wildlife Conservation, University of Delaware; Paralegal certificate, Delaware Technical & Community College; Post-Baccalaureate certificate in Accounting (in progress), Goldey Beacom College
Campaign Email:
Community Involvement: Executive Director, Alianza Delaware 501(c)(3) serving the Hispanic Community
Campaign Twitter Handle: brayman4change
Q: What are your qualifications for office, and (if challenged) what differentiates you from the other candidate(s)?
A: I’ve been a resident of New Castle County for over 40 years, and in that time, I’ve formed a solid reputation within the community as a respected professional and responsible citizen. I bring an extensive and diverse professional experience, having held various managerial roles across different industries and a unique perspective from having lived and worked abroad. I’m a proud mother to an 18-year-old who is in her senior year of high school, and I’ve unfortunately experienced first hand the breakdown of the educational standards and accountability in our public schools. Overall, I’m looking for ways to make a larger contribution to my community, and to improve our standards of living.
Q: What do you see as the most urgent issues in your County at this time?
A: I believe that crime and lawlessness are the most urgent issues in New Castle County at the moment. I see a social and cultural shift taking place, exacerbated by the impact of COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions, that is affecting our youth in particular.
Q: Do you think any strategic changes are needed in the county’s approach to growth & development, land use or transportation planning for the coming decade? (Yes or No). Please explain.
A: I believe the county has done, and is doing, a good job of redeveloping areas that were formerly blighted by industrial use, for example. I would love to see improvements in public transportation, not only county-wide, but also statewide, in order to better connect New Castle County with Kent and Sussex. Talks of a proposed North/South rail line connecting all three counties would be revolutionary, and could have far-reaching positive consequences for New Castle County if it came to fruition.
Q: How will you ensure that your county has land use measures that allow for the development of affordable housing?
A: The topic of affordable housing on a local level links directly back to the economy, which is a national concern. We can’t, and won’t, have affordable housing with the economy in the state that it’s in currently. Materials and labor are not affordable at the moment. Nothing is affordable at the moment. Until we stabilize our economy, ‘affordable housing’ is just a pipe dream. That being said, I’m all for creative housing models that permit multifamily dwellings or accessory dwelling units, for example. Diversity of developments should be encouraged – single family home neighborhoods might not be right for everyone, and that’s fine.
Q: How will you engage with residents, especially minorities, to ensure their voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes?
A: I’m completely at home engaging with any and all residents, regardless of their age, racial/ethnic identity, socio-economic status, etc. I happen to be minority myself – I’m a Latina from Costa Rica! As an elected official on County Council, my job will be to hear and consider all voices, and that is exactly what I will do.