How to Vote: Delaware Primaries




Information by Larry Nagengast 


Tuesday, Sept. 10, is Primary Day in Delaware. You must be registered as a Republican or a Democrat to vote in the primary, and you may vote only for candidates for the party in which you are registered. 

Here’s what you need to know about registering to vote and where to cast your ballot.

Registration: The registration deadline for the primary is 11:59 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17. For full registration details, look here

You may register online at, by downloading and submitting a form to the Department of Elections, or in person at Department of Elections offices in Wilmington, Dover and Georgetown. Offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through Aug. 17. To register, you must present acceptable identification, such as a Delaware driver’s license or identification card, or a current bank statement, utility bill, government check or other government document that shows your name and Delaware address.

Early voting: Registered voters may cast their ballots early at any of the available locations in their county of residence. A list of early voting sites is available here. Early voting hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Aug. 28-31 and Sept. 3 and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sept. 4-8. 

Voting on Primary Day: Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may vote only at the polling place designated for your election district. The Department of Elections has mailed polling place cards to registered voters. A list of polling places is available here. You may also find your polling place and check your registration information at the state’s voter portal.

Absentee ballots: You may vote by absentee ballot if you are unable to appear at your assigned polling place on Election Day for a reason permitted by state law. You may apply for an absentee ballot by completing and submitting an application on the state’s voter portal, downloading and printing the application and sending it to the Elections Department, or calling your county elections office to have an application mailed to you. Absentee ballots must be returned to your county elections office by 8 p.m. on Primary Day. They cannot be returned to polling places or early voting locations.

Special note: Anyone who was registered automatically at the Division of Motor Vehicles and has registration listed as “No party – AVR” may change their registration to Republican or Democrat at their polling place or early voting site and vote in the primary. 

All key dates and deadlines are available on the state’s 2024 election calendar.

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